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En Kathryn Stride

LanguageLinker on Marbella radio and tv!

Por Kathryn Stride el 10 de Marzo de 2015 19:47

LanguageLinker visits RTV MarbellaNicole King (RTV Marbella presenter) and Kathryn Stride (Director of LanguageLinker)

Had great fun today (despite the nerves!) at RTV Marbella speaking about LanguageLinker and spreading the word about our language exchange groups and events!

LanguageLinker was built on our own experience - moving to a foreign country, not knowing anyone and not able to speak Spanish, it was very hard to make friends and learn the language! So we thought it was a great way to help people in the same situation and we are absolutely delighted with the response we have received and so grateful for all the support and interest we have received, especially locally here in Marbella!

If you weren't able to hear us on the radio today, tune in to RTV Marbella this Thursday 12th March at 7.30pm (Spanish time) to see our interview! 

Thanks again to Nicole King and Johnny Gates for having us on the show, it was great to meet you both and we hope to see you again very soon!

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En Kathryn Stride

Language learning begins in the utero!!

Por Kathryn Stride el 25 de Enero de 2013 17:15

Wow! We know that it is easier to learn and pick up languages when you are younger, but we didn't realise how young!

language learning begins in the uteroAn interesting study has shown that language learning actually begins in the utero, as newborn babies just hours old show marked interest in their mother tongue. 

Research led by Christine Moon, a professor of psychology at Pacific Lutheran University said "We have known for over 30 years that we begin learning prenatally about voices by listening to the sound of our mother talking,". "This is the first study that shows we learn about the particular speech sounds of our mother's language before we are born".

This is fascinating and just highlights the importance and effects of talking to babies in both their mother tongue and if possible in a second language to give them an even greater headstart in life!

This article and information was sourced from: Sciencedaily

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En Kathryn Stride

Have you found your language exchange?

Por Kathryn Stride el 11 de Noviembre de 2012 17:27

If you are already a member of LanguageLinker, don’t just settle after creating your profile and wait for other users to contact you. There are many people waiting for YOUR request to exchange languages.

All members of LanguageLinker, are here to learn and practice languages, so why not try to find another or a new language partner today!


Everyone has different goals when practicing languages perhaps they are wanting to improve in conversation, pronunciation or, grammar. Hence everyone’s preference for a language exchange may vary (online live messages, email, video chat, face to face conversation, correspondence by letter "snail mail", etc).

It’s also important to remember we are not equal when it comes to be consistent in responding to messages, letters or going to face to face meetings. But none of this happens, unless we begin to get to know and communicate with others and then we will find the most appropriate language exchanges for our needs.

Take the initiative and contact others now. Break the ice!

Every day new members are joining LanguageLinker and therefore there are always new users with different native languages to contact, and all of them ready and willing to practice! Make your new friends and see your language skills greatly improve.

We wish you much success with your language exchanges!

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