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En Kathryn Stride

Interesting quote!

Por Kathryn Stride el 5 de Noviembre de 2011 09:14

Barack Obama: "It's embarrassing when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe and all we can say is 'merci beaucoup', right?"

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En Kathryn Stride


Por Kathryn Stride el 2 de Noviembre de 2011 18:01

We now have over 16 languages being spoken!

NEW language exchanges now available include: Polish, Bulgarian, Arabic, Japanese, Bengali and Greek.

Go to the search page to start your language exchange with Native speakers!

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En Kathryn Stride

Promotional trip to the UK

Por Kathryn Stride el 25 de Octubre de 2011 12:23

We have arrived back in Spain after a successful promotional trip to the UK,.

We have made some exciting new contacts and we look forward to working alongside them and of course welcoming our new members!

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