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En Kathryn Stride


Por Kathryn Stride el 13 de Septiembre de 2011 08:21

Welcome to LanguageLinkerHi Everyone! Welcome to the LanguageLinker News Board!

Here you can read all the latest news and information about LanguageLinker. If you have a comment or suggestion about the website or if there is something you would like to read about here, tell us! Our focus is you the members, so we love to hear from you!

Contact us on

LanguageLinker currently has over 600 members and growing fast, don't forget to invite any of your friends and family that are learning languages to join us also! Simply go to the 'invite a friend' area in your profile, enter their email address and we'll send them a quick email.

Good luck and have fun with your language exchanges! The LanguageLinker Team

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En Kathryn Stride


Por Kathryn Stride el 12 de Septiembre de 2011 09:10

Welcome to LanguageLinker Hi!We are delighted to have now launched LanguageLinker and we look forward to welcoming you all as new members!

LanguageLinker has been designed with the members in mind as the creators fully understand the needs when learning languages, and the difficulties in finding people to practice with. After all, practice makes perfect!!

The website is fun, easy to use and most importantly entirely FREE!

Search for native speakers from around the world or in your local area to exchange and practice languages with. This is an invaluable tool for all those learning any language around the world!

Use the quick search facility to find your ideal language exchange friend in just 3 clicks, and once you are a member you can use the advanced search facility to narrow down the results even further.

Chat online using the instant messages as well as send emails to your confirmed exchange friends.

LanguageLinker is so easy to use you can view your messages, new exchange requests and update your profile in just a few clicks!

Are you learning more than one language?? No problem! You can add as many like! Once you are a member, go to your profile area and simply click on the languages you would like to practice and choose the level you are at for each. This will also help other members to find you!

Please bear in mind that has just launched and although we are fast growing you may not find your ideal language exchange friend on your first search. HOWEVER please register as a member so that any new members can find you, and keep checking back as we are sure you will find some language exchange friends very soon!

We hope you enjoy using! The LanguageLinker Team

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