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En Kathryn Stride

European Day of Languages

By Kathryn Stride on September 26, 2012 08:27

  European Day of Languages 2011      

                           Happy European Day of Languages!                                

26th September marks the European day of Languages. This day celebrates the 6000+ languages spoken around the world and to help promote multilingual fun and learning of languages.

Each language has it's own culture and heritage that goes with it. The European Day of Languages aims to show people across Europe just how important languages are, and the fun that can be had by learning them!

Here are a few ways for you to get involved:

  • Enjoy food or drink from another country, perhaps try some Spanish tapas, Italian coffee, French wine, German sausage, Scottish haggis.......the list is endless!.

  • Organise a quiz in your worklplace/school/college with a European theme.

  • Try to learn atleast 1 new word in your chosen language each day this week.

  • Interested in working abroad? Start looking into international work opportunities today!.

  • Send an e-mail greeting to your customers in their own language.

  • Learn how to greet someone and say your name in British Sign Language.

  • Share the languages you know, teach your colleagues/friends/family a few new words!.

  • Organise an international sports tournament.

  • Enjoy a multilingual pub crawl.



En Kathryn Stride

More networking!

By Kathryn Stride on October 27, 2011 18:26

LanguageLinker have attended the Costa del Sol business awards this evening and met some more interesting people who we will definitely be in contact with! (

We continue to move forward and spread the word of LanguageLinker!

Check out our Facebook page ( to see our photos from this evening and other events!


En Kathryn Stride

The Language Show Live!

By Kathryn Stride on October 20, 2011 15:37

LanguageLinker will be attending The Language Show Live in London this weekend!(

We will be spreading the word of LanguageLinker and inviting new members to use the website as a helpful tool in learning a language.

We look forward to making new contacts and meeting like minded language learners!

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