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En Kathryn Stride


By Kathryn Stride on April 14, 2012 11:29


You may have noticed we have been very quiet recently, but behind the scenes we have been working very hard! We have been making improvements to the website and hopefully building some good relationships with other businesses to help get more members for you all to practice with!

We hope all of your language exchanges are a success, let us know if we can make any improvements to help!

We thank you all for your support and patience whilst we make the improvements!

Kind regards,

The LanguageLinker Team


En Kathryn Stride

News Board

By Kathryn Stride on February 21, 2012 14:29

Check out our new and improved News Board!! 

Now you can quickly and easily view all the topics we speak about and find what interests you!!

We regularly update our newsboard with many different entries including about language schools/academies, latest news in the world of languages as well as fun with languages, and of course the latest updates on LanguageLinker.

Let us know if there is a topic you'd like us to discuss here!


En Kathryn Stride

Language exchanges

By Kathryn Stride on February 08, 2012 18:01

LanguageLinker can help you find a language exchange in many places around the world. In particular we currently have a lot of people doing language exchanges in Southern Spain and in the southern areas of the UK!

Many people are meeting up not only to chat live and send messages on LanguageLinker but also they are meeting up face to face!

Are you looking for a language exchange? Click on the search page and get started!

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