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En Kathryn Stride

More networking!

By Kathryn Stride on October 27, 2011 18:26

LanguageLinker have attended the Costa del Sol business awards this evening and met some more interesting people who we will definitely be in contact with! (

We continue to move forward and spread the word of LanguageLinker!

Check out our Facebook page ( to see our photos from this evening and other events!


En Kathryn Stride

Funny mistakes!!

By Kathryn Stride on October 26, 2011 17:28

Have you ever made any funny mistakes when practicing a language???!! Or have you got a story about how you learned your second language??

Share them with us - email us at and we'll publish them here.

Here are a few from us!

  •  ENGLISH - SPANISH: 'Estoy embarazada' (meaning I'm pregnant in Spanish!) this was confused when trying to say 'I'm embarassed' which of course sounds very similar to English natives!!

  • SPANISH - ENGLISH: Saying 'chicken' - instead of 'kitchen'

Share your own story or funny mistakes! ;)


En Kathryn Stride

Promotional trip to the UK

By Kathryn Stride on October 25, 2011 12:23

We have arrived back in Spain after a successful promotional trip to the UK,.

We have made some exciting new contacts and we look forward to working alongside them and of course welcoming our new members!

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